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How to eat for your genes

Faye James

It's all in your DNA...

We are all unique. From the colour of our eyes to the whether we can roll our tongue, we all have a special genetic makeup that requires different nutrients.

Understanding your genes is key to uncovering how we process certain foods in our body and whether we need to supplement with certain foods in order to obtain the right nutrients.

Some people for example require extra folate in their diet if they have a genetic mutation of the MTHFR gene.

If that’s the case, you may need to uptake your intake of folate rich foods such as cruciferous veggies such as broccoli, kale, cabbage, beets or Brussel's sprouts.

And if you find yourself bloated after consuming dairy, that might be your MCM6 gene which is responsible for regulating the LCT gene.

The LCT gene play a key role in how you break down lactose in your body and can explain why you might have difficulty in tolerating dairy.

Others might find themselves extra jittery and anxious after a cup of coffee and can only tolerate certain amounts.

The ADORA2A and CYP1A2 gene work in tandem to break down caffeine in the system and some may only be able to drink limited amounts, while others can tolerate more.

The same applies with sodium. Some people possess a mutation of the ACE gene which means they are at greater risk of high blood sugar when they follow a sodium-rich diet.

Gluten sensitivity can also be uncovered in the HLA gene and those with HLA-DQ1 and HLA-DQ3 are predisposed to a reaction, but not necessarily suffer from celiac disease.

Getting your genes analysed can be done through your health professional and provides that extra layer of information when it comes to understanding what nutrients are best for your body.

Find out your gene profile here.


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